Friday, September 18, 2009


This week's weekly question stems from the magnificent array of "beautifully defined" leading men we find in Fall Tv. Except we're going old school on this one and are having a throwback to our youth. And honestly who doesn't love reliving those care free days when you could lounge around simply thinking of the dreamy guy you would one day grow up and marry...

Who was your first TV or Movie crush? And we're going legit crush here, like you watch the show just for them, compare all other boys to them, etc.

Jack Kelley - 'Newsies' (Heidi)
The first time I saw this movie I think I was five or six. I had no idea what was going on honestly. I watch it now and realize the political statements in that movie were so far over my head I didn't even realize that they were there. I did however know that Jack Kelley was there. I am pretty sure I watched this movie more than a hundred times and not only all the lines, but all the songs by heart. We had the movie recorded on a video cassette (ya it was that old) and I would patiently fast forward through 3/4 of the video before even getting to Newsies. And even then it sometimes wouldn't work and I would have to start all over again. But I was persistant and never gave up or forgot Newsies.
My family has a tradition that on Christmas Eve you get to open one present. Usually you open the one that you knew what it was, it was maybe a little lame, so that you have all the good presents for Christmas day. The Christmas after my 8th birthday I KNEW that my sisters had gone together and gotten me the Newsies soundtrack. I ripped into that present Christmas Eve despite Abbey's extreme annoyance that I was ruining the fun of Christmas. I did regret it a little, but I did not for one minute regret having that cd. I still have it today, complete with the well-worn pictures from the movie. I considered framing the ones of Jack Kelley.
There is a reason I keep referring to him as Jack Kelley instead of the somewhat more well-known Christian Bale. That reason is that until I was in high school, I did not realize that it was Christian Bale or that he was in any other movie. But when I did I think I watched every single movie of his. This crush has stuck with me and still enriches my life today. I can still remember myself avidly sitting in front of the tv singing along with him and hoping that one day I could go to New York and meet him.
*And I apologize for stealing Abbey' week with your question you can steal mine.*

Jonathan Taylor Thomas- "Home Improvement" (Kara)
First off, big thanks to Heidi for reminding me of one of my all-time favorite movies! I am now singing "Open the gates and seize the day, don't be afraid and don't delay . . ." I hunted for the soundtrack awhile back and couldn't find it (maybe its on iTunes?) One of the best gifts my sister Meg has ever given me was "Newsies" on DVD! Lately I've been finding a bunch of my favorite childhood movies on DVD (for very cheap too!) at Target. My two best purchases this summer in that category were "Trouble With Angels" (Hayley Mills, you must see it!) and "Troop Beverly Hills." Shelley Long's best acting role. Ever.
But on to the weekly question, once again I am extremely lame and have been thinking for several days now who my first crush would've been, because I really don't think I had a good one. We weren't really allowed to watch much TV as kids, and I didn't do any of the cutting out posters and putting them on my walls or anything because I'm a huge nerd. We did, however, watch "Home Improvement" as a family, every Tuesday night without fail, so I think the first celebrity boy I would've been aware enough of to count as a crush was good ol' JTT. (And total sidebar, but why did all the boys in that show go by three names? JTT, Brad the oldest was Zachary Ty Bryan, Mark was Taran Noah Smith.) I even saw the classics "Man of the House" and "I'll Be Home for Christmas" in theaters. During the holidays, ABC Family does their 25 Days of Christmas movie marathons where they show all those fabulous holiday movies, and I did sit down to watch part of "I'll Be Home for Christmas" the last time it was on! Somehow I remembered the acting being much better when I was in middle school . . .
Laurie- Little Women (Cory)
OK I am sure I crushed on many an animated fellow: beast post transformation, Eric from Little Mermaid, G.I Joe, etc. But I think in my little 5 year old heart I knew that was not possible, so I started to think about my first true crush and while there was a Luke Perry phase but that was later. And I am pretty sure Johnny from Dirty Dancing crossed my mind once or twice but I more so just thought he was cool, I mean he had a leather jacket and his own place. The first crush I can remember was actually also Christian Bale, but from a different movie (don’t worry me and Heidi already worked out this issue I traded him for Clive Owen). When I was 8 or 9 we had just gotten cable and we had free HBO for a while, well I knew how to use the VCR and pulled my little butt out of my bed at 6 am on a lazy summer morning. To this day if I get up early for you it is pretty much love. Found the blank tape I had requested from my momma and started to tape Little Women and who was there but their rich neighbor Laurie.
I remember being really mad at Jo for casting him aside and then even madder because she married that old dude who in my mind could not compare to Laurie (even with a name like that) who had loved her so much. Laurie also did some shady stuff but I could see no bad in him, well Christian Bale is still pretty un-ugly and has gotten even better so I consider this crush a good investment.
STOLEN! Plus Robin from Batman & Robin (Chris O'Donnell)
Heidi totally stole my crush!!! When she told me we were doing this question, he was the first that popped into my mind. He was the first boy I ever heard sing whose voice really spoke to my heart because it sounded so good, plus he is/was gorgeous. I mean d a m n, who else does the "brooding" look better and make hearts flutter while doing it? Ok Jack Kelley, I will do whatever you say and think is important because your soul searching look into my eyes did all the convincing. And Kara stole my other crush too, Mr. JTT. I didn't ever put up pictures in my room either (the New Kids on the Block phase completely passed me by too, although looking back on it, I should've caught it merely so I could catch the Marky Mark phase, because whoa. Mark Wahlberg is also crushworthy), probably because I feared embarassment from my dad, but I did secretly pine for JTT. I liked him also because he was the funny one and could pull it off without a hitch unlike TNS or ZTB who were pretty dorky. Ok, now on to my own personal crush, cocky Robin in Batman & Robin. As I look back on this movie, what in the world was George Clooney doing as Batman? I can't picture it anymore and have it be un-comical. But anyway, Robin was just cute. I think that's all I thought was man, he is so cute! Chris OD would probably not be pleased that all I think of him is that he is cute, but he sure is. He isn't a bad boy at all, he isn't particularly "funny", he's just cute. But cute is good, it does have it's place! This crush sounds rather lame, but cute is really important in your list of crushes! You always have the bad boy crush (Cam Gigandet HEtothefreakin'LLO ), the rock star crush (Tyson Ritter *duh* or Josh Todd of BuckCherry seen here don't judge, the guy literally makes me swoon), the dork crush (Breckin Meyer in Can't Hardly Wait), the real-life crush (um, Ben, duh, for the past 9 years!!!), and the cute crush. Chris O'Donnell is cute.


Abbey said...

Kara, Heidi has the Newsies soundtrack! I'll burn a copy and bring it back for ya when I'm in Michigan!!!

Kara said...

YES!!!!! You made my day!

Kara said...

Also, what is Cam Gigandet from?

Heidi said...

Cam Gigandet was originally on The O.C. where he could frequently be seen surfing or on the beach wearing no shirt. He has also been in Never Back Down, and most unfortunately with long hair as James in Twilight. So sad he had to die in that movie...

me_zippe said...

Ok I just have to chime in here with my first crush. Jonathan Brandis from Seaquest. I think I still have the magazine picture that I cut out of him.