Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Olympics

I don't know if this counts as a tv show or not but....I don't know what else it would be. Special feature maybe? Oh well, anyway, since my entertainment life has been entirely taken up by the Olympics in the past week and a half I thought I would mention a few of my thoughts about it.

 - While I love the Olympics and can't wait for every other year when they come around, is it really necessary for all my other shows to quit for two weeks (or in the most grievous case a month and a half)? Trust me, my tivo can handle it!

- Cross country. Honestly I think it's on every day. And to me it all looks like the same event. I can't tell the people apart, much less if they're men or women, and it just looks so unbelievably hard. I commend them greatly on their endurance (my Heaven their endurance and leg muscles!) but really I find you boring cross country. A contributing factor to this may also be the fact that the United States is really terrible at it. However, the announcer for cross country events gets SO excited about everything that is slowly happening, that each time I'm sucked in thinking it's interesting, and then I realize I don't know who he's talking about because he's using the people's names, and I need him to bring it down to my level and use the colors of their uniforms and poles. And the mass start biathalon is just sheer chaos! You have 20 people at one time on the shooting range and people are missing you don't know who's who and you just really need to give up.

- Men's figure skating. I'm curious as to when this sport changed from something that really strong, small men did, to where it's now somewhat of a make-up and costume competition. Don't get me wrong they're still amazingly strong but it just seems there's a higher percentage of guys batting for the other team then there used to be....

- Ice Dancing. Really this is a cool sport. I think that it flows really well and I like watching dancing on ice because the moves and turns seem so much smoother and just generally prettier. But the woman announcer just about drove me to insanity. She was a little to intense about her sport and how it is harder than any other Olympic sport....rrriiiiigggghhhhtttt. I think I should just watch it on mute. And the Russian pair really scared me. They are not people I'd like to meet in a dark alley because they strike me as completely psychotic. Did you see their creepy facial expressions while they were doing the weird Aboriginal dance????

- The snowboarders are my absolute favorite. Watching their interviews is just awesome because they're all so laid back and happy! You kind of wonder whether they care about winning or if they're just happy they found some snow they can ride on. Shaun White is AHmazing. And Johnny Moseley (yes I know he's skiing) is my Olympic crush....

 - I love Chris Collinsworth. He's my favorite NFL announcer and every fluff personal piece he does on random athletes I have to watch. I love his voice and he's just a funny guy. And Steven Colbert makes me laugh out loud. Especially with his moose.

- Why do they have to show the qualifying rounds of some of these sports? I honestly don't really care and isn't there other sports you could put on that aren't qualifying? Like a curling match or a hockey game.... I don't need to watch the quarters, semis, second semis, and two final rounds of short track speed skating (I'm not kidding that's how many rounds there was). Just give me the finals. Maybe this makes me impatient but I'd rather see a short time of a lot of different events then just one for 2 hours.

Okay this probably sounded like a lot of complaining. It really wasn't, just some observations I had and ideas on how to make it better. Because we all know the IOC and NBC wants my opinion. I do love the Olympics and will be sad to see them go for another two years....but happy to have my other shows back too :).


Cory B. said...

Your last point is toatlly on spot though they showed a hockey match on MSNBC that night so they could show those pre rounds.

Kara said...

I DESPISED the Russian couple. I can't believe they won a bronze with that ridiculous, hideously offensive aboriginal dance they did. They've done it before, AND been heavily criticized for it, but apparently decided grossly objectifying a whole race of people with a tragic history is perfectly okay for them to do again. Plus, they weren't even that good! I was way more impressed with the couple that actually had some challenging lifts, although I can't remember where they were from now . . .

Abbey said...

Chris Collinsworth is probably one of my most favorite people ever. His voice is my most favorite voice ever. His eyes are so kind and happy looking. This might sound as though I have a crush on him, but it's not like that. He just makes me feel like I'm all snuggled up in a nice warm blanket, no matter what he's saying. Plus he's never said anything stupid or lame, he's awesome. He's half the reason I watch football. Anyway, moving on.
Ben and I decided if we want a son of ours (should we be blessed with another boy) to be an Olympic skiier, he will be named Johnny. Johnny Mosely, Johnny Spillane (Nordic dude who won silver). You almost can't have an honest chance at winning anything skiing in the Olympics without being named Johnny.

And can we add that I think Julia Mancuso is a whining beehotch baby?

Heidi said...

Ya seriously, be happy with your two silver medals because we won't remember you next time! And her little commercial for Visa is lame I think...
True Johnny it has to be. And good looking since both those are...

Oh man the Russians, totally could go on about them, so heinous!

My tivo is not set for any of the other channels unfortunately...but really show the qualifying stuff on a different channel and let prime time be prime time!

Kara said...

I was going to say too, its impressive that all the Johnny's are so easy on the eyes! I don't know that I've ever personally known someone we called Johnny, but all the Olympians are hot.

And one of the funniest comments I've heard in commentating, and I'm gonna go with it was Stephen Colbert because really, who else would say this: "Men's figure skating is bringing back the Cold War, but with pizazz, and feathers, and sequined snakes that look like they're about to devour the skater."

Abbey said...

All I can think of when I hear "Johnny" is Abed saying "Smoke up, Johnny!!".... but that reaction is diminished now that I've gotten to see Johnny Mosely so often.

Haha, I loved that quote from him. He said something too about the soldiers weren't bedazzled, and that made me L O L!

Heidi said...

Oh Stephen Colbert. I love him so much.

Um I think we should start a new discussion about how terrible bobsled uniforms look. Specifically the Canadian women's that are all red with some sort of greyish spider web on the back of the legs, but the lines go right up the butt and do not have any type of slimming effect.....

Kara said...

Also, why is it not necessary for the bobsled uniforms to go all the way down their legs? There's a good six inches of calf on each sledder for reasons that I just can't comprehend.

AND, may I say in the 2 man bobsled, the US brakeman was a husky gentleman, and his little unitard was frightening. I'm still scarred by that image, because it left NOTHING to the imagination.