Friday, June 25, 2010

The Men of the World Cup

*I'm sorry Kara, I just have to mention something about it : ).  But I promise it won't dwell on the sport part haha.*

Now when I say men of the World Cup, I'm not talking about the ridiculous amounts of eye candy that surrounds every single team and game (however on that note, after taking a poll the US team does have the highest per capita ratio of hot men...., we could think of no one on team who was truly ugly.  Yay US!!)

No I'm talking about the men who are near and dear to my heart because they've been around for all my life.  They're my announcers.  I love when great players who I loved to watch become amazing commentators so they can still be in my life and additionally have a sense of humor.  I have three who I absolutely love.

Alexi Lalas.  He was legitimately my hero when I was little and the main reason I wanted to be a defender.  He was awesome and I wanted to be awesome.  His personality is really sarcastic and often the things he says are 'controversial'.  He likes to go against the main stream and isn't afraid to just say that someone is sucking.  And now that he's lost the nasty hair and beard I must say he's muy good looking.

John Harkes.  Also a good looking individual.  He played around the time that Lalas played so they've been together for a long time.  Someday it is my dream to hear them commentate a game together.  Harkes was a forward so he scored lots of goals.  Mainly what I remember about him was just how graceful he looked playing soccer.  He is always calm and it's very soothing to listen to him matter-of-factly tell the game.

And last Jurgen Klinsmann.  He played for Germany and was their coach for a little while.  Currently he lives in Los Angelas with his American wife and kids.  I mostly just love him because he's German.  And he's the only one with the nerve to say that in "that situation [a breakaway] the player just should have fouled.  A professional foul.  His coach should have told him that."

Love them all!


Kara said...

Alexi Lalas is yum-O! And he's been on The Colbert Report several times and is hilarious- look up the clip where he teaches Stephen to talk crap about other teams. The best insult: "Hey Brazil, what happened to all your good players? Oh that's right, Ronaldo ate them." (This was in the last World Cup when they were making a big deal about Ronaldo gaining weight.)

And, while I don't personally like soccer unless someone I know is playing, I respect the game itself & recognize it as the world's sport. Plus after hearing Glenn Beck's rant against soccer, I daresay its my favorite sport... my contrary nature is highly triggered by idiots who don't know what the eff they're talking about make ridiculous statements.

Heidi said...

Oh man Glenn Beck's rant was ridiculous. I do not understand at all that view point!!

Um I will look up those clips! Hahaha I love him to death. He's my favorite.